Saturday, September 29, 2012

“People Foods” That are Safe for Dogs

Dreamy Kitty
© 2012 Claudia Ballard
11 x 14 acrylic on masonite
There are all kinds of opinions on what to feed the canine members of the family.  My vet insists dogs should never eat “people food”.  Try telling that to my brother’s German shepherd as he snatches cherry tomatoes out of my sister-in-law’s garden or begs and whines for raw carrots while she cooks.  :->

Most of us know there are foods that are harmful to our pooches, even toxic, and we hear a lot about the evils of grapes and chocolate.  However, I found something interesting on and thought I would share some excerpts here:
Peanut Butter

… peanut butter is safe (and delicious) for dogs to eat. And because dogs are generally quite fond of peanut butter, it can be used to conceal yucky medicine. It almost goes without saying that your dog is best off eating natural, unprocessed peanut butter without added salt, sugar and preservatives…


They’re usually eager to gobble up some cheese, and generally it’s perfectly safe. But like us, dogs can be prone to lactose intolerance, so tread lightly. Cottage cheese is a good choice because it’s gentle on sensitive tummies


Yogurt is one of the best treats you can give dogs for the same reasons it’s so often recommended to humans: it’s packed to the rafters with probiotics, vitamins, protein, calcium, riboflavin, zinc and potassium. …. Avoid yogurts that are chock-full of sugar, preservatives and other additives. By the same token, fat-free yogurt is an acceptable option for dieting dogs, but be careful not to choose a brand that replaces the fat with an artificial fat substitute. All-natural is the name of the game here.


The fish is a great source of protein, and it boasts a ton of omega-3 fatty acids which promote a strong immune system, healthy skin and a shiny coat. And if your family has both dogs and cats in the home, that’s all the more reason to stay stocked up on this nutritional powerhouse.

Sweet Potatoes

These sweet spuds have got fiber, vitamins and carotenoids up the wazoo. What’s the best way to prepare them for canine consumption? You wouldn’t want to eat sweet potatoes raw, and neither would your pooch. Serve them up in a dog bowl cooked, mashed or even dehydrated. Just don’t add salt or butter.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bonnie and Big Bird

Evening Deer
©2012 Claudia Ballard
Matted to 8x10 acrylic on Arches WC paper
Dark wood frame under glass

One day last week I heard my husband calling me softly to come to the back door.   He had heard a ruckus in the backyard from our usually quiet cocker.  A small flock of wild turkeys had wandered through the yard and Bonnie did not know quite what to make of such big birds.  Apparently she charged the fence and the gobbler turned on her, ruffling his feathers, and charged back.  Totally taken aback for a bird to behave that way towards her, the bird dog, she retreated. 

The gobbler was shielding his flock by staying between us and the hens while they made their way into the woods on the edge of our property.  Bonnie studied this some more and rushed the fence and gave one small bark, just to let him know this was her yard after all.  Once the hens had slipped into the cover of the undergrowth, the gobbler too disappeared into the woods and they vanished.

When we first lived here, before development around us, we would see huge flocks of turkeys on a regular basis, pecking their way through the tall Bahia grass and snacking on the acorns under the large oaks.  It was a grand sight!