Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Moves

© 2013 Claudia Ballard
5 x 7 on canvas panel

Well, it is not quite Spring yet here in the Southeast, but we sure have a lot of moving going on. 

The sandhill cranes have moved on.  At least they are not feeding in the yard every day now.  I am hoping they are happily nesting someplace nearby.  In their place, the robins have moved in.
My elderly mother has moved back home to Florida to live with us.  We are so happy to have her here again.  But it means some adjustments. 

My studio has been relocated from Mom’s rooms into shared space with my office.  It is tight quarters with all my framing stacked behind the easel, but I am getting it sorted out and back into working shape.   Just in time for me to “get a move on” with painting.  Have a possible show coming up in April as well as some dog shows to prepare for. 
For me Spring is one of the most moving seasons....the return of blossoms and birds and butterflies!  Time to dust off winter's cobwebs and start fresh.